
Prerequisites (Optional)

To safegurad secret and confidential data leakage via your git commits to public github repo, check git-secrets.

This git secrets project helps in preventing secrete leakage by mistake.


  1. Docker
  2. Make (Makefile)

See, there are so many technologies used mentioned in the tech specs and yet the dependencies are just two. This is the power of Docker.


  • Step 1 - Install Docker

    Follow my another github project, where everything related to DevOps and scripts are mentioned along with setting up a development environemt to use Docker is mentioned.

    • Go to setup directory and follow the setup instructions for your own platform, linux/macos
  • Step 2 - Install Make

    # (Mac Os)
    $ brew install automake
    # (Ubuntu)
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install make
  • Step 3 - Install Dependencies

    Install the following dependencies on your local development machine which will be used in various scripts.

    1. openssl
    2. ssh-keygen
    3. openssh